Our Products
Lab-Ally provides data management solutions and laboratory services to help move your research forwards. With our globe-spanning network of industry-leading partners, we can assist you at every point along the discovery journey, from Concept to Consumer.

RSpace ELN
RSpace is the only ELN designed specifically for enterprise deployments at Universities. RSpace features robust, scaleable architecture, modern design and PI / Lab centric organization and connectivity to both institutional and file stores like Box, Dropbox and Google Drive. The system is simple enough to ensure rapid adoption by even the most technophobic lab staff, and is also highly affordable. Call now for a free demo.

RSpace Sample Management
RSINV is a flexible and fully integrated part of the RSpace ELN. RSINV builds on the innovative feature set of the now retired eCAT sample tracking system but brings modern scaleability, support for mobile devices features like QR code reading and fast OCR capture of printed text from containers and product sheets.

CERF is a sophisticated ELN (Electronic Lab Notebook) and EDMS (Enterprise Document Management System). CERF features desktop application integration, compliant SOP management, semantic metadata tagging, and best-in-industry search engine to help you find assets fast. CERF is ideal for secure, on-premise deployments in small / medium commercial laboratories or regulated organizations that need a stringent, all-in-one record keeping & IP protection solution.

LabSpeed LS
LabSpeed LS is a Windows-only system for capturing data streams and files from instruments, sensors and other data sources in real time. LabSpeed LS comes with connectors for most modern scientific equipment and can process large quantities of verbose data to create reports and output custom summaries or human-readable visualizations that can be passed on to your ELN, LIMS or other repository.

Surety AbsoluteProof
The Surety AbsoluteProof system acts as a digital seal and independent time stamp for documents and data that you need to protect such that content integrity and creation date cannot reasonably be disputed. AbsoluteProof is especially powerful when combined with one of our fully compliant ELNs.

ELN, Compliance and Data Consulting
While many Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELNs) share the same basic functions, each has different strengths. Our years of industry experience can help you select, deploy, and make maximum use of the ELN or other data management solution that’s right for your lab or organization. We also supply a range of other scientific informatics and data analysis services. Call today for details.

ChemAxon provides a suite of cheminformatics software tools designed to meet the research needs of modern labs. Examples include Marvin Sketch, and Instant JChem, portions of which are integrated into the CERF and RSpace ELN systems. ChemAxon’s academic package is available at a discounted price for volume customers who purchase through Lab-Ally.