Our Partners
Lab-Ally provides data management solutions and laboratory services to help move your research forwards. With our globe-spanning network of industry-leading partners, we can assist you at every point along the discovery journey, from Concept to Consumer, Idea to IPO.
Research Space, based in Edinburgh, UK, makes the RSpace Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN). RSpace is the successor of the popular eCAT ELN, and is the best ELN available for enterprise deployments at academic institutions. RSpace organizes data around the needs of busy PIs and real-world data workflows in modern universities and research institutes.
MUSA’s mission: To enable clients to produce groundbreaking results through consistent process, innovative technology and effective partner-driven relationships. MUSA provides validation services for GLP / GxP labs and networks, a validated cloud environment for the secure storage of regulated data, remote monitoring of critical lab systems, compliance consulting and more.

MIPAR produces a game-changing image analysis software, with the automated ability to identify, detect, and measure features from virtually any image – or batches of images – using fully non-destructive, custom processes. It is ideal for applications from metallurgy to microbiology, to increase the productivity of your laboratory and QC operations.
Cell Applications offers a comprehensive porfolio of human and animal primary cells, isolated from a wide variety of tissues in a GMP and ISO compliant facility. Culture media is optimized for each cell type, ensuring maximal performance, viability, growth, morphology and population doublings. Carefully selected reagents, antibodies, cytokines and growth factors complement the cells.
Topos Technologies make LabSpeed LS, a tool for real-time capture, processing and visualization of data from instruments or databases, featuring one of the largest instrument plugin libraries in the industry. LabSpeed helps you record ephemeral raw data, bridge transfer gaps and efficiently pass human-readable summaries to your ELN, LIMS or LIS system.

Deltopia is the producer of the popular DeltaWalker diff tool for file and folder comparison and synchronization. Deltawalker is compatible with Windows PC, Mac OS, and Linux platforms. With features like two- or three-way comparisons, the ability to compare images, in-place editing & merging, your file and directory differentiation needs are solved.
ChemAxon provides a suite of cheminformatics software tools designed to meet the research needs of modern labs. Examples include Marvin Sketch, and Instant JChem, portions of which are integrated into the CERF and RSpace ELN systems. ChemAxon’s academic package is available at a discounted price for volume customers who purchase through Lab-Ally.